Read here some articles of howto do this and that in installing, setting up, administering and programming stuff in embedded and Linux computing. It is intended only to facilitate tasks which are more frequent.

The Docker containers are deployed and accessible from the outside world - nice! But opening pages of certain services in the internet browser reporting "Your connection is not secure". This happens because of missing SSL certificates. A reverse proxy in front of multiple docker services allows a mapping from subdomains to IP/ports in your local network. Furthermore the needed SSL certificates can be automatically requested from the free certifcate authority "Let's Encrypt". All the jobs are managed by "nginx proxy manager" and it could also be deployed to a Docker container.

Both, Vorta and Borgmatic are backup clients and rely on Borgbackup. The setup is split into the three parts "Borg backup server", "Vorta client" and "Borgmatic client".

A new personal computer or server must be setup with a Debian OS and Docker must be installed. The Docker services from an old PC moving to the new one.

Some services like inadyn or ddclient for updating a resolvable name at a DynDNS provider are sometimes hard to configure. The ddns-updater comes in a Docker image and a web interface for monitoring the state. So let's try this out.

A docker image containing an emulated debian environment for armv7 platform is used here to install additional toolchain to cross compile wtihin container.

The idea is to run a docker host on the router running openwrt. It should be possible to run certain containers on the router to be accessible 24/7 from the internet. Because docker and the images consuming a lot of disk memory, the internal flash of the Linksys router is not sufficient and a external USB memory drive needs to be attached to the router. The boot process is in two steps, the first step is starting from the internal flash and mounting the external root filesystem. The second step is booting further from external rootfs.