The zsh and its community driven framework oh-my-zsh makes you feel a 10x developer, if you believe the authors. Here it is described, how to install zsh alongside with oh-my-zsh with a few useful extensions.

Install zsh

The installation of the zsh is quite easy:

sudo apt-get install curl git zsh fonts-powerline

As user, download and execute the install script from oh-my-zsh:

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

This will clone oh-my-zsh scripts into the ~/.oh-my-zsh folder. You are also prompted to change your default shell to zsh by answering "yes" and entering your user password. Chose one from the available themes and set it in the users ~/.zshrc:


Select some useful plugins from the available plugins and set it in the users ~/.zshrc:

plugins=(git git-auto-fetch git-prompt extract git-extras docker)

Set the users default shell to zsh:

sudo usermod --shell /bin/zsh <user>

Restart the shell and the new prompt should be shown.