The Remote Systems Explorer is a useful plugin to gain access to a remote target running Linux having a shell, file transfer and process handling of the target. Also a remote Eclipse-workspace via ssh could be established.

Install plugin

First install the RSE plugin into Eclipse from Marketplace.

Exchange ssh keys

Exchange the ssh key between the user debian on PC and the existing user user on the BBB. This is needed for a password-less connection to the target.

debian@pc:/~$ ssh-copy-id user@beaglebone.local

Create a remote target connection

Press bildschirmfoto_vom_2021-05-21_15-25-44 to define a new connection. In the following dialog chose Linux as System type and proceed.


Choose profile to store in, set IP or hostname, name the connection and proceed. If you are asked for a user, set it to the already existing user user on the BBB.


Select ssh services for files, processes and shells in the following dialogs and finish. Now we are able to share files, watch processes and start shells on the target.




After all went right, the connection with the login user is visible and usable in the Remote Systems-view.


Export an existing Eclipse project into a remote workspace

If there is an already existing project on the local Eclipse workspace, it could be exported to the remote connected BBB for cross development.

First create a workspace directory within home dir of user on the BBB via RSE.


Next step is to export an already existing local workspace project to the remote newly created workspace on the remote.


Select the project to export to the remote and check settings.


For having the project in the project explorer view, create the project from the remote workspace project directory containing the eclipse project.


Check if remote project is created in the project explorer view.


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